BokSmart Pre-participation questionnaire 2022 updated

24 Feb 2022 by Hennie Van Vuuren

Good day rugby colleges


Due to Covid-19 did SA Rugby Boksmart players pre-participation questionnaire add Covid-19 info which the players must check when they complete the forms before they can participate in rugby. See point 8 on page 3:
8. Have you had any ’flu-like’ illness during the past 4 weeks? Covid-19, chest colds, gastroenteritis and other viral illnesses would be included in this group.

If the player answer “Yes” he/she must get a letter from the doctor to clear him/her fit to practice.

INSTRUCTION: Ideally this questionnaire should be completed during pre-season, about 4-6 weeks before training starts. Players should answer all questions. A positive answer (YES) to any of the questions requires the player to be followed up by a medical professional associated with the school, club, or union, or recommended by SARU. Written medical clearance should be received for the specific condition highlighted before participation in any match or training session.

Will you please communicate this info to ALL the coaches at your school or club.

Thank you and greetings

Hennie van Vuuren

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